Thakkar Bappa Seva Samaj, Wardha


Name : The name of this Association is THAKKAR BAPPA SEWA SAMAJ, WARDHA.

Office : The Registered Office and Head Quarters of this Samaj will be at Wardha.

Obiegts of Associationi :

To open, Schools, hostels, liabraries, gymnasia and other education (institutions).

To run polytechnicsfor imparting training in village and cottage industries and other handicrafts and useful arts.

To run institutions for the welfare of childern and women.

To run institutions for the Socio-economic uplift of Harijans, Adiwasis, and other back-ward classes and to provide housing facilities and work for them.

To eradicate untouchability, casteism and communalism.

To organise and promote welfare of labourers.

To organise students and create among them spirit of social service and selfhelp and interest in physical culture.

To incorporate any association having objects simi-lar to those of this samaj.

To collect and receive funds and any property for all or any of the objects or the Samaj,

To purchase, hire or otherwise acquire moveable and immoveable property for the Samaj.

To do ali such things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects of the Samaj.

Utilization of Funds and property : The funds income and property of the Samaj whence-so-ever acquired shall be applied Solely to the promotion of the declared objects of the Samaj and no peption thare of shall be paid directly or indirectly to any of the members of the Samaj as remuneration for services rendered by them as such. The Samaj shall be a wholly charitable Association.

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